Living Free

Living Free Small Groups

Living Free

Living Free Groups exists to help individuals, families, and communities dealing with life-challenging and life-controlling problems find wholeness in Christ. Everyone faces struggles in life at some point in time. Even though Living Free is an effective tool to help those with life-controlling problems, the discipleship curriculum is Biblically based, Christ-centered, and designed to benefit everyone. Pain may come from a loved one's life-controlling problem, difficult life circumstances, or even a personal struggle with sin that nobody else knows. Living Free small groups offer hope, faith, and freedom in Christ.

"If you abide in my Word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."

John 8:31 NIV


Current Group


Sunday evenings at 6:30 PM | Held in the Youth Room

The "Facing Fear & Finding Faith" group study will guide you in the use of Scripture to build faith as you learn Biblical coping methods for facing fear, anxiety, and worry. It will bring comfort to those facing fear, and provide help to anyone ministering to those who are being controlled or held back by anxiety, fear, and worry.

Led by Herminia & Christyl Muniz and Schlone Lawler

Members Guides are $13.

Break free from fear, and find faith!

Contact the office at 918.321.3833 or register below to join the group.

Sign-Up Now!